Legacy Fund

Pastor Justin Lehman
Benefits of a Family Center Gym
We’re so excited for the tremendous potential our new gym could have for future ministry!
1. Desire to impact our neighborhood as well as congregational growth
– Discipleship opportunities (Continue, Awana)
– Fitness activities for adults (Basketball & Volleyball Nights)
– Young family activities (Kid’s Night In/ Parent’s Night Out)
2. Need for school facilities
– Our school has been in desperate in need of a gym for recess, sport’s practices, games, & activities
3. Promotion of school spirit
– Less travel time to view games
– Larger fan base (home court advantage)

Assistant Pastor Mike Mutchler
In looking at the years ahead, I’m mindful that I have few years left to leave a legacy for my Lord. Vicky and I have sacrificially given more than 20% of our income ever since we started a Church in Arkansas 44 years ago. At every juncture, we have sacrificed to purchase land, build buildings, send kids off to youth camp, pay their way to Christian School, and help them in Bible College. It was a joy for us to do so. We have always felt like we will never have much on earth of this world’s goods, but we are “laying up treasures in Heaven” as Christ instructed us to do. (Matthew 6:20) Don’t get me wrong, God has proven over and over than I cannot outgive God! Whatever we have given to God, He has abundantly blessed and outgiven back to us. (A wonderful cycle God promised us in giving.)
Some of our assets will go to Grand View Baptist Church. Our children will be left some to share, but they are all doing fine. Many churched seniors would know that some of their own children they love have chosen a different path in life, and they would be reluctant to fund the lifestyle they have chosen. It seems that is epidemic throughout the Christian families I am close with across our nation. One thing I’ve seen effective is to give while I’m alive. My own Mother already gave each of us children our inheritance. It wasn’t much, but she wanted it to get directly to us. Over the years I’ve had members who mentioned they were leaving a lot to the Church, but it never got to us once it went through another’s hands. God will give wisdom.
There are many wonderful ministries that are worthy of our gifts, but I do know that Grand View has always been about the business of seeing people saved through the different outreach ministries. I totally expect and believe that will continue long after Vicky and I are in Heaven. It’s hard to believe the tens of thousands of people who have professed faith in Christ by the witness of people who have attended Grand View Baptist Church. These souls are fruit that abound to the credit of the good people witnessing, and those giving so that the Church goes forward for Christ.
My prayer is that you will prayerfully consider being a part of leaving a Legacy by giving some percentage of your will, estate, trust fund, etc. to the work of Christ at Grand View Baptist Church. Not only will it help for the next building project to get paid off, but our entire indebtedness will be erased as time goes on. My hopes are that several of you would consider being a part of this and that each year, a few more would join us. In hopes of this, I am sending you some forms to fill out that would be needed to make this possible. I’ve met Scott Barbur, who owns Barbur Law LLC. He is willing to meet with us and help set this up for individuals who do not have a local attorney they would use. Scott is local, and his prices are very fair. He would have a free meeting with anyone who wants him to look over these forms once filled out, and I would invite him to meet us at Church to meet with all who are interested.
Below is a video I put together, quite off the cuff, but wanted to share how at times in our history, gifts from some of our seniors made all of the difference. Our gifts will accomplish the same blessings upon our Church.
Pastor Mutchler shares the importance of Legacy giving, and how YOU can leave a legacy for the next generation.
We have raised the above amount towards building a gym.
(This number is updated monthly)
Grand View Christian Academy started in 1991 with just a few staff members and a handful of students. GVCA has since grown to a beautiful campus with 40+ faculty members and over 400 students. As a part of the Portland metropolitan area and a population of well over 3.5 million people, families travel from all over to attend our school.

Have Questions?
Ask us anything. Seriously, go ahead.
10:00am Connection Groups
8:30am | 11:00am Worship Services
11:00am Children's Service
5:00pm Evening Service
14855 S. Leland Rd.
Beavercreek, OR 97004
*Click here for directions
Church in Beavercreek Oregon
At our church one of our goals is to help you understand and apply God’s word. We believe that the Bible has the power to transform your life from the inside out. Every message is posted online so you can listen again and share with a friend. Enjoy!