Our Mission
To glorify God by Being Disciples and Making Disciples.
We would love to have you visit us if you desire to find out more about the call of Jesus upon his church and your life. Below you can schedule a visit with us or read our church purpose, beliefs and find out how you fit in to God’s plan.

Who We Are
We are a group of people who believe the stakes are too high to sit on the sidelines when it comes to things in life that really matter. Life is too short to coast through, and people are too important to take for granted. Our hope is that you will find this family of faith a place where you can worship freely, relate authentically and grow spiritually.
A look at what we believe.
Our Process
How to become a disciple of Jesus.
Step 1 – Believe in Jesus
Salvation from sin is a moment of faith. God says, “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31). This belief is more than a head belief—it’s a heart trust. It means to fully trust Jesus Christ as the only Saviour—the only way to God, the only hope of rescue from separation from God. This is what Jesus called being “born again” in John 3.
The first step of our process in developing devoted followers of Jesus is to help them place their faith—their belief—in Jesus alone as Saviour. This is biblical salvation. To learn more about this decision, please click here.
Step 2 – Follow Jesus in Baptism
The second step in your relationship with Jesus is baptism. Baptism doesn’t make someone a Christian. It doesn’t wash away sin. It’s simply going public with your faith and choosing to identify with our almighty, merciful Saviour. Jesus was our example in baptism, and He commanded us to be baptized—to publicly show forth our heart decision and faith. Baptism pictures His death, burial, and resurrection. It also pictures your new life in Jesus Christ.
Baptism is one of the first, easiest, and best ways to be a witness to others about your faith in Jesus, and to publicly declare you are not ashamed of Him.
Step 3 – Connect with Believers
In Acts 2, those who believed were baptized, and then they were added to the church. Once someone has believed in Jesus, their next step is to connect with a family of believers. Through these relationships, a new Christian can grow and mature in the faith and teachings of Jesus. It is our goal for every new believer to be connected with friends and others in the church body who can help you mature and grow in grace.
The primary way we connect and disciple believers is through our Sunday classes and Wednesday Bible study. There’s a place for you, and new friendships are waiting to be discovered!
Have Questions?
Ask us anything. Seriously, go ahead.
10:00am Connection Groups
8:30am | 11:00am Worship Services
11:00am Children's Service
5:00pm Evening Service
14855 S. Leland Rd.
Beavercreek, OR 97004
*Click here for directions
Church in Beavercreek Oregon
At our church one of our goals is to help you understand and apply God’s word. We believe that the Bible has the power to transform your life from the inside out. Every message is posted online so you can listen again and share with a friend. Enjoy!